Title: i'm not much (but i'm yours) Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clarke/Raven Prompt: Drabble Tag 6: Clarke/Raven - let go Requested by: paperclipbitch Rating: PG Word Count: 250
Title: this is (not) home Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clarke/Lexa Prompt: Drabble Tag 6: Clarke/Lexa - this is not home Requested by: temari778 Rating: PG Word Count: 250
Title: how long until we call this love? Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Abby/Raven Prompt: Drabble Tag 6: Abby/Raven - Grounded Requested by: clarahow Rating: PG Word Count: 250
Title: Denial - Not Just A River In Egypt Prompt: doctor Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Abby/Raven Rating: G Word count: 133 Summary: AU! Abby refuses to talk to Raven, denying she feels anything but care for a patient.
Title: meet me in the aftermath Prompt: Drabble Cycle 6: Lexa/Raven - Insecurity Requested by: charmingregal Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Lexa/Raven Word Count: 140
Title: hold it up to my cold heart Author: paperclipbitch Prompt: drabbletag 6 - hard Fandom: The Hunger Games Pairing: Johanna/Cressida Rating: PG Word Count: 250
Title: my sweetest downfall Prompt: Drabble Cycle 6: Clarke/Octavia - weakness Requested by: charmingregal Fandom: The 100 Pairing: Clarke/Octavia Setting: Alternate Universe - Octavia is a Grounder, who is sent to watch over The 100. Word Count: 115